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MERLOT Geoscience Portal Visit Main MERLOT

Welcome to the new MERLOT Geoscience Homepage, where we share:

  • Teaching Tips
  • Our Community of Educators
  • Resources Outside MERLOT
  • Learning Materials
  • Showcasing Our Feature of the Month

If you're new to MERLOT, become a Member.

What's New In MERLOT
Browse Learning Materials
Contribute Learning Materials
Browse Members Directory
Browse Virtual Speakers Bureau
Visit the Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT)

Tips for Teaching Geoscience with Technology

Tips and guidelines to help you teach geoscience courses
Modules for Special Teaching Needs
Understanding Today's Students


People Involved in MERLOT Geoscience

Individuals participating in the MERLOT Geoscience peer review process include:

Editorial Board Members
Ad Hoc Reviewers

learning materials

Learning Materials

Are geoscience modules that you can use in your class.

You can also learn about the MERLOT peer review process

beyond merlot


Beyond MERLOT helps you find other resources such as:

Professional Organizations
Geoscience Education Journals
Discussion Forums
Teaching Resources
Calls for Papers


Featured Website:

The Showcase this month features....